The L-NESS features many world-class growth, processing, and characterization facilities.
Low-energy plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition is used to grow high-quality SiGe heterostructures.
A III-V MBE system is used to grow quantum nanoscale structures.
A Philips XL30 Scanning electron microscope is used by the Nanoscale device group.
Optical lithography facilities are available in the clean room.
Reactive ion etching is used to process devices defined by electron-beam or optical lithography.
An atomic-force microscope is used to characterize surface morphology and to image devices.
A high-resolution x-ray diffractometer
is used to structurally characterize thin films and semiconductor heterostructures.
A closed-cycle He cryostat is used for magnetotransport measurements.
Positron Spectrometers used by the Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy group.
Sample cleaning, optical lithography, and wet etching are carried out in our 1000-class clean room.
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