Leo Miglio
Full professor
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tel: | Como: +39 031 332 7658 |
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address: | Politecnico di Milano |
| Polo di Como |
| Via Anzani 42 |
| 22100 Como |
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office: | Via Anzani 1.08 |
web: | mater.unimib.it |

Main Research Interest
G. M. Vanacore, D. Chrastina, E. Scalise, L. Barbisan, A. Ballabio, M. Mauceri, F. La Via, G. Capitani, D. Crippa, A. Marzegalli, R. Bergamaschini, and L. Miglio: Nanostructured 3C-SiC on Si by a network of (111) platelets: a fully textured film generated by intrinsic growth anisotropy, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. Advance Article (2022).
A. Barzaghi, S. Firoozabadi, M. Salvalaglio, R. Bergamaschini, A. Ballabio, A. Beyer, M. Albani, J. Valente, A. Voigt, D. J. Paul, L. Miglio, F. Montalenti, K. Volz, , and G. Isella: Self-assembly of nanovoids in si microcrystals epitaxially grown on deeply patterned substrates, Cryst. Growth Des. 20, 2914 (2020).
A. Ballabio, S. Bietti, A. Scaccabarozzi, L. Esposito, S. Vichi, A. Fedorov, A. Vinattieri, C. Mannucci, F. Biccari, A. Nemcsis, L. Toth, L. Miglio, M. Gurioli, G. Isella, and S. Sanguinetti: GaAs epilayers grown on patterned (001) silicon substrates via suspended Ge layers, Sci. Reports 9, 17529 (2019).
F. Montalenti, F. Rovaris, R. Bergamaschini, L. Miglio, M. Salvalaglio, G. Isella, F. Isa, and H. von Känel: Dislocation-free SiGe/Si heterostructures, Crystals 8, 257 (2018).
F. Biccari, L. Esposito, C. Mannucci, A. G. Taboada, S. Bietti, A. Ballabio, A. Fedorov, G. Isella, H. von Känel, L. Miglio, S. Sanguinetti, A. Vinattieri, and M. Gurioli: Site-controlled natural GaAs(111) quantum dots fabricated on vertical GaAs/Ge microcrystals on deeply patterned Si(001) substrates, Nanosci. Nanotechnol. Lett. 9, 1108 (2017).
R. Bergamaschini, S. Bietti, A. Castellano, C. Frigeri, C. V. Falub, A. Scaccabarozzi, M. Bollani, H. von Känel, L. Miglio, and S. Sanguinetti: Kinetic growth mode of epitaxial GaAs on Si(001) micro-pillars, J. Appl. Phys. 120, 245702 (2016).
M. Bollani, D. Chrastina, R. Ruggeri, G. Nicotra, L. Gagliano, E. Bonera, V. Mondiali, A. Marzegalli, F. Montalenti, C. Spinella, and L. Miglio: Anisotropic extended misfit dislocations in overcritical SiGe films by local substrate patterning, Nanotechnology 27, 425301 (2016).
F. Pezzoli, A. Giorgioni, K. Gallacher, F. Isa, P. Biagioni, R. W. Millar, E. Gatti, E. Grilli, E. Bonera, G. Isella, D. J. Paul, and L. Miglio: Disentangling nonradiative recombination processes in ge micro-crystals on Si substrates, Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 262103 (2016).
M. Meduňa, C. V. Falub, F. Isa, A. Marzegalli, D. Chrastina, G. Isella, L. Miglio, A. Dommann, and H. von Känel: Lattice bending in three-dimensional Ge microcrystals studied by X-ray nanodiffraction and modelling, J. Appl. Cryst. 49, 976 (2016).
R. Bergamaschini, M. Salvalaglio, A. Scaccabarozzi, F. Isa, C. V. Falub, G. Isella, H. von Känel, F. Montalenti, and L. Miglio: Temperature-controlled coalescence during the growth of Ge crystals on deeply patterned Si substrates, J. Cryst. Growth 440, 86 (2016).
A. G. Taboada, M. Medunňa, M. Salvalaglio, F. Isa, T. Kreiliger, C. V. Falub, E. Barthazy Meier, E. Müller, L. Miglio, G. Isella, and H. von Känel: GaAs/Ge crystals grown on Si substrates patterned down to the micron scale, J. Appl. Phys. 119, 055301 (2016).
F. Isa, C. Chèze, M. Siekacz, C. Hauswald, J. Lähnemann, S. Fernández-Garrido, T. Kreiliger, M. Ramsteiner, Y. A. R. Dasilva, O. Brandt, G. Isella, R. Erni, R. Calarco, H. Riechert, and L. Miglio: Integration of GaN crystals on micropatterned Si(0 0 1) substrates by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy, Cryst. Growth Design 15, 4886 (2015).
F. Isa, F. Pezzoli, G. Isella, M. Meduňa, C. V. Falub, E. Müller, T. Kreiliger, A. G. Taboada, H. von Känel, and L. Miglio: Three-dimensional Ge/SiGe multiple quantum wells deposited on Si(001) and Si(111) patterned substrates, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 30, 105001 (2015).
H. Groiss, M. Glaser, A. Marzegalli, F. Isa, G. Isella, L. Miglio, and F. Schäffler: Burgers vector analysis of vertical dislocations in Ge crystals by large-angle convergent beam electron diffraction, Microsc. Microanal. 21, 637 (2015).
H. von Känel, F. Isa, C. V. Falub, E. J. Barthazy, E. Müller Gubler, D. Chrastina, G. Isella, T. Kreiliger, A. Gonzalez Taboada, M. Meduna, R. Kaufmann, A. Neels, A. Dommann, P. Niedermann, F. Mancarella, M. Mauceri, M. Puglisi, D. Crippa, F. La Via, R. Anzalone, N. Piluso, R. Bergamaschini, A. Marzegalli, and L. Miglio: (Invited) Three-dimensional epitaxial Si1-xGex, Ge and SiC crystals on deeply patterned Si substrates, ECS Transactions 64, 631 (2014).
F. Pezzoli, F. Isa, G. Isella, C. V. Falub, T. Kreiliger, M. Salvalaglio, R. Bergamaschini, E. Grilli, M. Guzzi, H. von Känel, and L. Miglio: Ge crystals on Si show their light, Phys. Rev. App. 1, 044005 (2014).
V. Mondiali, M. Bollani, D. Chrastina, R. Rubert, G. Chahine, M. I. Richard, S. Cecchi, L. Gagliano, E. Bonera, T. Schülli, and L. Miglio: Strain release management in SiGe/Si films by substrate patterning, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 242103 (2014).
S. Conesa-Boj, F. Boioli, E. Russo-Averchi, S. Dunand, M. Heiss, D. Rüffer, N. Wyrsch, C. Ballif, L. Miglio, and A. Fontcuberta i Morral: Plastic and elastic strain fields in GaAs/Si core--shell nanowires, Nano Lett. 14, 1859 (2014).
T. Kreiliger, C. V. Falub, F. Isa, G. Isella, D. Chrastina, R. Bergamaschini, A. Marzegalli, R. Kaufmann, P. Niedermann, A. Neels, E. Müller, M. Meduňa, A. Dommann, L. Miglio, and H. von Känel: Epitaxial Ge-crystal arrays for X-ray detection, J. Instrumentation 9, C03019 (2014).
A. G. Taboada, T. Kreiliger, C. V. Falub, F. Isa, M. Salvalaglio, L. Wewior, D. Fustor, M. Richter, E. Uccelli, P. Niedermann, A. Neels, F. Mancarella, B. Alén, L. Miglio, A. Dommann, G. Isella, and H. von Känel: Strain relaxation of GaAs/Ge crystals on patterned Si substrates, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 022112 (2014).
C. V. Falub, T. Kreiliger, F. Isa, A. G. Taboada, M. Meduňa, F. Pezzoli, R. Bergamaschini, A. Marzegalli, E. Müller, D. Chrastina, G. Isella, A. Neels, P. Niedermann, A. Dommann, L. Miglio, and H. von Känel: 3D heteroepitaxy of mismatched semiconductors on silicon, Thin Solid Films 557, 42 (2014).
S. Bietti, A. Scaccabarozzi, C. Frigeri, M. Bollani, E. Bonera, C. V. Falub, H. von Känel, L. Miglio, and S. Sanguinetti: Monolithic integration of optical grade GaAs on Si(001) substrates deeply patterned at a micron scale, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 262106 (2013).
F. Isa, A. Marzegalli, A. G. Taboada, C. V. Falub, G. Isella, F. Montalenti, H. von Känel, and L. Miglio: Onset of vertical threading dislocations in Si1-xGex/Si (001) at a critical Ge concentration, APL Materials 1, 052109 (2013).
R. Bergamaschini, F. Isa, C. V. Falub, P. Niedermann, E. Müller, G. Isella, H. von Känel, and L. Miglio: Self-aligned Ge and SiGe three-dimensional epitaxy on dense Si pillar arrays, Surf. Sci. Rep. 68, 390 (2013).
L. Miglio, R. Bergamaschini, A. Marzegalli, F. Isa, D. Chrastina, G. Isella, P. Niedermann, A. Dommann, C. V. Falub, E. Müller, and H. von Känel: “divide et impera” in detector technology, Il Nuovo Saggiatore 29, 7 (2013).
E. Bonera, R. Gatti, G. Isella, G. Norga, A. Picco, E. Grilli, M. Guzzi, M. Texier, and B. Pichaud: Dislocation distribution across ultrathin silicon-on-insulator with epitaxial SiGe stressor, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 053104 (2013).
C. V. Falub, M. Meduňa, D. Chrastina, F. Isa, A. Marzegalli, T. Kreiliger, A. G. Taboada, G. Isella, L. Miglio, A. Dommann, and H. von Känel: Perfect crystals grown from imperfect interfaces, Sci. Reports 3, 2276 (2013).
F. Pezzoli, F. Isa, G. Isella, C. V. Falub, T. Kreiliger, M. Salvalaglio, R. Bergamaschini, E. Grilli, M. Guzzi, H. von Känel, and L. Miglio: Germanium crystals on silicon show their light, arXiv.org e-Print archive cond-mat, arXiv:1306.5270 (2013).
A. Marzegalli, F. Isa, H. Groiss, E. Müller, C. V. Falub, A. G. Taboada, P. Niedermann, G. Isella, F. Schäffler, F. Montalenti, H. von Känel, and L. Miglio: Unexpected dominance of vertical dislocations in high-misfit Ge/Si(001) films and their elimination by deep substrate patterning, Adv. Mater. 25, 4408 (2013).
C. V. Falub, T. Kreiliger, A. G. Taboada, F. Isa, D. Chrastina, G. Isella, E. Müller, M. Meduňa, R. Bergamaschini, A. Marzegalli, E. Bonera, F. Pezzoli, L. Miglio, P. Niedermann, A. Neels, A. Pezous, R. Kaufmann, A. Dommann, and H. von Känel: Three dimensional heteroepitaxy: A new path for monolithically integrating mismatched materials with silicon.In 2012 International Semiconductor Conference (CAS), 45--50 (2012).
C. V. Falub, F. Isa, T. Kreiliger, R. Bergamaschini, A. Marzegalli, A. G. Taboada, D. Chrastina, G. Isella, E. Müller, P. Niedermann, A. Dommann, A. Neels, A. Pezous, M. Meduňa, L. Miglio, and H. von Känel: Space-filling arrays of three-dimensional epitaxial Ge and Si1-xGex crystals.In SiGe Technology and Device Meeting, 2012. ISTDM 2012. (2012).
C. V. Falub, H. von Känel, F. Isa, R. Bergamaschini, A. Marzegalli, D. Chrastina, G. Isella, E. Müller, P. Niedermann, and L. Miglio: Scaling hetero-epitaxy from layers to three-dimensional crystals, Science 335, 1330 (2012).
G. Chen, B. Sanduijav, D. Matei, G. Springholz, D. Scopece, M. J. Beck, F. Montalenti, and L. Miglio: Formation of Ge nanoripples on vicinal Si (1 1 10): From Stranski-Krastanow seeds to a perfectly faceted wetting layer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 055503 (2012).
F. Montalenti, P. Raiteri, D. B. Migas, H. von Känel, A. Rastelli, C. Manzano, G. Costantini, U. Denker, O. G. Schmidt, K. Kern, and L. Miglio: Atomic-scale pathway of the pyramid-to-dome transition during Ge growth on Si(001), Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 216102 (2004).
A. Rastelli, H. von Känel, G. Albini, P. Raiteri, D. B. Migas, and L. Miglio: Morphological and compositional evolution of the Ge/Si(001) surface during exposure to a Si flux, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 216104 (2003).
P. Raiteri, D. B. Migas, L. Miglio, A. Rastelli, and H. von Känel: Critical role of the surface reconstruction in the thermodynamic stability of {105} Ge pyramids on Si(001), Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 256103 (2002).
F. La Via, M. G. Grimaldi, D. B. Migas, and L. Miglio: Defect-induced tetragonalization of the orthorhombic TiSi2 C49 phase: X-ray diffraction and first principles calculations, Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, 739 (2001).
T. Meyer, D. Migas, L. Miglio, and H. von Känel: Electron and hole focusing in CoSi2/Si(111) observed by ballistic electron emission microscopy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 1520 (2000).
- Fisica dei Materiali e Termodinamica Statistica dei Materiali, per il Corso di Laurea in Scienza dei Materiali, Vecchio Ordinamento.
- Fisica dello Stato Solido, per il Corso di Laurea Specialistica in Scienza dei Materiali.
- Fisica delle Superfici, per il Corso di Laurea Specialistica in Fisica.
- Docente della European School of Advanced Studies in Materials Science di Pavia.
- Coordinatore del Dottorato in Nanostrutture e Nanotecnologie, presso il Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali della Università di Milano-Bicocca.
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