Daniela Petti
e-mail: | |
tel: | Como: +39 031 332 7307 |
fax: | Como: +39 031 332 7617 |
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address: | Politecnico di Milano |
| Polo di Como |
| Via Anzani 42 |
| 22100 Como |
| Italy |
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office: | Via Anzani 1.06 |

Main Research Interest
M. Asa, C. Rinaldi, L. Nessi, D. Chrastina, D. Petti, E. Albisetti, R. Bertacco, and M. Cantoni: Epitaxy and controlled oxidation of chromium ultrathin films on ferroelectric BaTiO3 templates, J. Cryst. Growth 558, 126012 (2021).
M. Monticelli, A. Torti, M. Cantoni, D. Petti, E. Albisetti, A. Manzin, E. Guerriero, R. Sordan, G. Gervasoni, M. Carminati, G. Ferrari, M. Sampietro, and R. Bertacco: On-chip magnetic platform for single-particle manipulation with integrated electrical feedback, Small 12, 921 (2016).
M. Monticelli, E. Albisetti, D. Petti, D. V. Conca, M. Falcone, P. P. Sharma, and R. Bertacco: Towards an on-chip platform for the controlled application of forces via magnetic particles: A novel device for mechanobiology, J. Appl. Phys. 117, 17B317 (2015).
G. Radaelli, D. Petti, M. Cantoni, C. Rinaldi, and R. Bertacco: Absence of strain-mediated magnetoelectric coupling at fully epitaxial Fe/BaTiO3 interface (invited), J. Appl. Phys. 115, 172604 (2014).
G. Radaelli, D. Petti, E. Plekhanov, I. Fina, P. Torelli, B. R. Salles, M. Cantoni, C. Rinaldi, D. Gutiérrez, G. Panaccione, M. Varela, S. Picozzi, J. Fontcuberta, and R. Bertacco: Electric control of magnetism at the Fe/BaTiO3 interface, Nature Communications 5, 3404 (2014).
M. Savoini, C. Piovera, C. Rinaldi, E. Albisetti, D. Petti, A. R. Khorsand, L. Duò, C. Dallera, M. Cantoni, R. Bertacco, M. Finazzi, E. Carpene, A. V. Kimel, A. Kirilyuk, and T. Rasing: Bias-controlled ultrafast demagnetization in magnetic tunnel junctions, Phys. Rev. B 89, 140402(R) (2014).
D. Petti, A. Stroppa, S. Picozzi, S. Brivio, M. Cantoni, and R. Bertacco: Effect of Au proximity on the LSMO surface: An ab initio study, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 324, e963 (2012).
C. Rinaldi, M. Cantoni, D. Petti, A. Sottocorno, M. Leone, N. M. Caffrey, S. Sanvito, and R. Bertacco: Ge-based spin-photodiodes for room-temperature integrated detection of photon helicity, Adv. Mater. 24, 3037 (2012).
C. Rinaldi, M. Cantoni, D. Petti, and R. Bertacco: Epitaxial Fe/MgO/Ge spin-photodiodes for integrated detection of light helicity at room temperature, J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07C312 (2012).
R. Bertacco, M. Cantoni, D. Petti, C. Rinaldi, and M.Leone: Dispositivo rilevatore ottico spintronico, Italian Patent 2011 (2011).
D. Petti, M. Cantoni, C. Rinaldi, and R. Bertacco: Chemical and electronic properties of Fe/MgO/Ge heterostructures for spin electronics, J. Phys. Condens. Matt. 292, 012010 (2011).
J. Gazquez, M. Varela, D. Petti, M. Cantoni, C. Rinaldi, S. Brivio, and R. Bertacco: Aberration corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy studies of epitaxial Fe/MgO/(001)Ge heterostructures, J. Mater. Sci. 46, 4157 (2011).
S. Brivio, C. Rinaldi, D. Petti, R. Bertacco, and F. Sanchez: Epitaxial growth of Fe/BaTiO3 heterostructures, Thin Solid Films 519, 5804 (2011).
S. Brivio, D. Petti, R. Bertacco, and J. C. Cezar: Electric field control of magnetic anisotropies and magnetic coercivity in Fe/BaTiO3(001) heterostructures, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 092505 (2011).
M. Donolato, E. Sogne, B. T. Dalslet, M. Cantoni, D. Petti, J. Cao, F. Cardoso, S. Cardoso, P. P. Freitas, M. F. Hansen, and R. Bertacco: On-chip measurement of the Brownian relaxation frequency of magnetic beads using magnetic tunneling junctions, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 073702 (2011).
M. Cantoni, D. Petti, C. Rinaldi, and R. Bertacco: Bandstructure line-up of epitaxial Fe/MgO/Ge heterostructures: A combined x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and transport study, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 032104 (2011).
D. Petti, M. Cantoni, C. Rinaldi, S. Brivio, R. Bertacco, J. Gazquez, and M. Varela: Sharp Fe/MgO/Ge(001) epitaxial heterostructures for tunneling junctions, J. Appl. Phys. 109, 084909 (2011).
S. Brivio, M. Cantoni, D. Petti, and R. Bertacco: Near-room-temperature control of magnetization in field effect devices based on La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 thin films, J. Appl. Phys. 108, 113906 (2010).
M. Cantoni, D. Petti, C. Rinaldi, and R. Bertacco: Epitaxial growth of Fe/MgO/Ge(001) heterostructures, Microelectron. Eng. 88, 530 (2011).
M. Cantoni, D. Petti, R. Bertacco, I. Pallecchi, D. Marré, G. Colizzi, A. Filippetti, and V. Fiorentini: Band alignment at Cu2O/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 interface: A combined experimental-theoretical determination, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 032115 (2010).
D. Petti, M. Cantoni, M. Leone, R. Bertacco, and E. Rizzi: Activation of Zr--Co--rare earth getter films: An XPS study, Appl. Surf. Sci. 256, 6291 (2010).
M. Donolato, P. Vavassori, M. Gobbi, M. Deryabina, M. F. Hansen, V. Metlushko, B. Ilic, M. Cantoni, D. Petti, S. Brivio, and R. Bertacco: On-chip manipulation of protein-coated magnetic beads via domain-wall conduits, Adv. Mater. 22, 2706 (2010).
S. Brivio, C. Magen, A. A. Sidorenko, D. Petti, M. Cantoni, M. Finazzi, F. Ciccacci, R. De Renzi, M. Varela, S. Picozzi, and R. Bertacco: Effects of Au nanoparticles on the magnetic and transport properties of La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 ultrathin layers, Phys. Rev. B 81, 094410 (2010).
A. Cattoni, D. Petti, S. Brivio, M. Cantoni, R. Bertacco, and F. Ciccacci: MgO/Fe(001) and MgO/Fe(001)-p(1×1)O interfaces for magnetic tunnel junctions: A comparative study, Phys. Rev. B 80, 104437 (2009).
D. Petti, R. Bertacco, S. Brivio, M. Cantoni, A. Cattoni, and F. Ciccacci: X-ray photoemission study of the Au/La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 interface formation, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 044903 (2008).
R. Bertacco, S. Brivio, M. Cantoni, A. Cattoni, D. Petti, M. Finazzi, F. Ciccacci, A. A. Sidorenko, M. Ghidini, G. Allodi, and R. De Renzi: Proximity effects induced by a gold layer on La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 thin films, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 102506 (2007).
S. Picozzi, C. Ma, Z. Yang, R. Bertacco, M. Cantoni, A. Cattoni, D. Petti, S. Brivio, and F. Ciccacci: Oxygen vacancies and induced changes in the electronic and magnetic structures of La0.66Sr0.33MnO3: A combined ab initio and photoemission study, Phys. Rev. B 75, 094418 (2007).
S. Brivio, M. Cantoni, D. Petti, A. Cattoni, R. Bertacco, M. Finazzi, F. Ciccacci, A. Sidorenko, G. Allodi, M. Ghidini, and R. de Renzi: Decrease of the Curie temperature in La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 thin films induced by Au capping, Mat. Sci. Eng. B 144, 93 (2007).
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